Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Garcia Family! They lost their home to a FIRE! Please donate to get them thru this...Let's all chip in and help a Neighbor!

The Garcia family lost their home...this is my childhood best friends home. I just found out today that Lorri's parent's house burned down! Imagine....40 years of love and care gone up in smoke..This could me my parents as well as your parents! I am in complete shock for them. Luckily they are safe--- but imagine ...having to recover from this.

Sometimes my life is so busy that I miss the news about situations like this, I'm usually more up to date with global happenings than local happenings, but somehow news of this horrific local disaster made it to me. I have created a donate button below for anyone who would like to donate to the family!

It's easy and it's safe and it will definitely help them out! 

Please help them out! Any amount helps...this could happen to any of us...let's not forget our neighbors and those still around trying to pump life into this little town!

Thanks a ton

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